He! They have come back racing, **
He! They have come back racing,
Why, they say there is to be a buffalo hunt over here, Why, they say there is to be a buffalo hunt over here. Make arrows!
Make arrows!
Says the father, says the father.
Give me my knife,
Give me my knife,
I shall hang up the meat to dry Ye ye!
I shall hang up the meat to dry Ye ye!
Says grandmother Yo yo!
Says grandmother Yo yo!
When it is dry I shall make pemmican,
When it is dry I shall make pemmican,
Says grandmother Yo' yo!
Says grandmother Yo' yo!***
* Songs and comments as given by James Mooney.
** " When going on a buffalo hunt, it was customary among the Sioux to send out a small advance party to locate the herd. On find ing it, these men returned at once at full gallop to the main body of hunters, but instead of stopping on reaching them, they dashed past and then turned and fell in behind. It is to this custom the first line refers."
*** " In the old days an Indian camp during the cutting up of the meat after a buffalo hunt was a scene of the most joyous activity.
--> Preparations were made for days and weeks ahead. Couriers were sent out to collect the neighboring bands at a common rendezvous, medicine-men began their prayers and ceremonies to attract the herd, the buffalo songs were sung, and finally when all was ready the confederated bands or sometimes the whole tribe men, women, children, horses, dogs, and travois moved out into the buffalo grounds. Here the immense camp of hundreds of tipis was set up, more ceremonies were performed, and the mounted warriors rode out in a body to surround and slaughter the herd. The women followed close after them to strip the hides from the fresh carcasses, and cut out the choice portion of the meat and tallow and bring it into camp."