This project have been proved positive.
Our Elders have so much to share and this is one avenue.
Please assist our elders to take part in this project and the many other that will follow. You can have them answer on video, or audio and share it on the blog for all to see. You can leave a contact info. You can even rewrite their words if they can not make it to the computer. It is now up to us to do what it takes to save our cultures.
I have a few tear dropping stories that have already come from this blog.
*** please be patient because I am a one-manned show, thanks.
'Ask an Elder'@ Wordpress with this 'Ya-Native Section'
is designed to enable us an opportunity to communicate with the Elders from our desired First Nations. This concept is designed to ignite that inner spiritual spark within all of us. Stories of our First Nations' traditions, hereditary and our legends are best kept by our Elders, the only reliable portal into our yesteryears.
Ya-Native has had thousands of inquiries that would be best suited for the Elders of the desired Nations. At first I was directing individuals to other page where I knew they would find what they were looking for. More often then not, they would return with questions and details of individuals, times and dates.
This would often remind me on how I use to sit around the fire trying to stump the elders with questions of the past. I remember how they use to love sharing their wisdom & knowledge, almost as much as I loved to listen.
"This feeling of a stronger history, honor of our own, culture, family, love and respect is something that everyone should experience. I only found it with my Elders---and that is what I want to share with you, blessing to you all ...
Comment with questions directed to the Elders of that particular First Nation.
Iroquois-Haudenosaunee “Ask an Elder”
(Six Nations: Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora.)
If you do not see your desired First Nation of interest below or if you’re not quite sure which First Nation to address, please feel free to comment you desired First Nation to the following blog post: