Got any?
Just kidding, I receive many message and requests that would benefit a great deal of the viewers so I but together this section. thanks for your participation.
If you have any additional questions that will benefit the masses please feel free to post them at the following designated blog: Ya-Native FAQ's
Where did the Ya-Native phrase come from?
Can I promote my own material of Native Interest on the Ya-Native Network?
How come no one replies to my messages?
Where did the Ya-Native phrase come from?
A dear friend of mine passed in August 2009 and one of her most memorable phrases is the way she would answer, 'Ya-Native!' I wanted a way to immortalize her energy forever. I obtained the URL '' the next day. Thanks Christine Planes your heart will be known forever.
Can I promote my own material of Native Interest on the Ya-Native Network?
Yes, that's what it's all about.
~ Free promotions: Join the following page and post your material at our designated' Ya-Native's Social Media Network' page. This page will repost your material to different Social Media's such as; Twitter, myspace, AOL and I'm always adding more Networks so the audience is continually growing.
~ Take Action: Here's a please where you can provide me with information of topics that need to be heard. There are countless situation that needs to be acknowledge by the general public and this is aa excellent place to do it. I will review the content and design a page for it so we can all better share it with the world. Examples include the wrongly accused, Idle no more, no to Enbridge and much more.) Donations are not require but it would entice me to promote much more.
~ Sponsored Promotions: Operated by donations only. In most cases I will set up an individual promotional page for your objectives and periodically promote your objectives on many Social Networks. There will be millions of viewers. Higher Donations will require more attention. I will contact you after I receive the contribution. Ask yourself what is this service worth to you and remember when you do experience the results you can always donate more for additional promotions.
What is Spamming?
Ya-Native considers that following to be spamming and will result in immediate ban from entire Network.
~ Off topic comments, pictures and links.
~ Multiple posts of the identical material.
~ Posting your own material, without consent, to make a profit or bring awareness to non-native interests.
How come no one replies to my messages?
I do read most the message and I do try to reply to the questions in a timely manor. I do reply to the questions that has a monetary interest to the Ya-Native Network. On any given day the Network receives over 200 emails with questions and when I do reply they usually result in a time-consuming conversation. Time is money when you're a one-manned show, so I must evaluate each email appropriately. You can find my most recent contact information at my personal contact page.
Credits for pictures?
I've been through a gauntlet of hurdles on this subject. I sift through thousands of pictures, pages, quotes and any other digital items I can find that may interest Native America. I do not have the time to authenticate each and every posting because you can't please everyone all of the time. If you are an artist you should be well aware of the copyright acts, so therefore you should have the knowledge to copy write your own material properly. I have no qualms in adding a credit if you would like me to. Ultimately I would like to designate a page for all the individual artist that would like me to promote their material to millions. You can start with a donation and I'll reply with the information I need to make a profile page for your work.
How come I was banned?
You will be banned;
... if you TELL me that you demand I remove material.
... if you are displease in any way.
... if you have hate in your messages.
... if you spam.
... if you're trolling.
... if your comments are racist. (uses intelligence if you must share your thought)
I ban up to 25 profiles everyday from empty profiles that were made only to spam the Ya-Native network. This create an unimaginable amount of UNPAID work for me.
Got any?
Just kidding, I receive many message and requests that would benefit a great deal of the viewers so I but together this section. thanks for your participation.
If you have any additional questions that will benefit the masses please feel free to post them at the following designated blog: Ya-Native FAQ's or in the comment section of any page.