Some people travelled down Fraser River, and at last located a place where they intended to camp permanently. At that time they did not know of any people different from themselves, or of any language other than their own.
One day two hunters who had been training wandered far away, and, coming to a lake, saw some people living in wooden houses. They hesitated to approach, because there were many people. At last, approaching, boldly, they were surprised to hear the people talking in a language different from their own, and which they did not understand. Hitherto they had thought that all people spoke the same language. The people received them kindly, and made them marry and stay among them.
After a time the hunters returned to their own country, taking their foreign wives along with them. After this the two people became known to each other, and occasionally the one tribe visited the other. The people thus discovered were probably S'a'tcinko. This incident happened a very long time ago.
A Thompson Legend