Long ago, an elder woman from the ancient Cree tribe, known as “Eyes of Fire,” foretold a time when the earth would suffer due to the greed of the white man or Yo-ne-gis. She predicted the rivers would be lifeless, the skies devoid of birds, the waters darkened, and the forests lost. Humanity, as we once knew it, would be on the brink of disappearing.

A time would come when the guardians of the tribe’s legends, stories, customs, and ancient ways would be called upon to heal us. These “Rainbow Warriors” would be crucial for our survival and would usher in an era of justice, peace, freedom, and reverence for the Great Spirit.
The “Rainbow Warriors” would share their wisdom and guide all peoples of the Earth, or “Elohi.” They would teach the ways of the Great Spirit and the need for a return to the sacred. They would reveal that our Earth has become ill due to our neglect of the Great Spirit.
The “Rainbow Warriors” would help humanity understand the love and wisdom of the Great Spirit, teaching them how to restore the beauty of “Earth or Elohi.” They would provide guiding principles rooted in the teachings of the ancient tribes. The Rainbow Warriors would help people embrace unity, love, and understanding, and promote harmony among individuals from all corners of the Earth.
Like the ancients, they would teach people to pray with love to the Great Spirit, flowing like a clear mountain stream, meandering through life’s journey. They would find joy in solitude and gatherings, free from jealousy, and love all of humanity as brothers and sisters, irrespective of color, race, or religion. Their hearts would be pure, filled with warmth, understanding, and respect for all people, nature, and the Great Spirit. They would be guided by the purest intentions and seek the beauty in the Creator of Life, the Great Spirit.
Children would once again be free to explore nature’s treasures and Mother Earth, unafraid of the pollution and destruction caused by Yo-ne-gi and their greedy ways. Clear rivers would flow, forests would thrive, and the animal and plant kingdoms would flourish.
The Rainbow Warriors would ensure the poor, sick, and needy are cared for, making these practices a part of everyday life.
Leaders would be chosen according to the old ways – not by political affiliations or empty promises, but by their actions. Those who demonstrated love, wisdom, and courage and worked for the greater good would be appointed Chiefs. These leaders, like the wise Chiefs of old, would lead with love and ensure that the young learn from the wisdom of their surroundings. They would show that miracles are possible, and the world can be healed and restored to its original beauty.
The “Rainbow Warriors” have a formidable mission. They will face mountains of ignorance and be confronted by prejudice and hatred. They must be resolute, unyielding, and strong of heart. Many will willingly join them on their quest to restore Mother Earth’s beauty and abundance.
Soon, the day will come when we realize that our very existence depends on the tribes who have preserved their culture, heritage, rituals, stories, and myths. Armed with this ancient knowledge, we will return to harmony with nature, Mother Earth, and humankind. This knowledge will be the key to our survival.
This is the tale of the “Rainbow Warriors,” and it is why I protect the culture, heritage, and wisdom of my ancestors. I am certain that the day foretold by “Eyes of Fire” will come. I wish for my children and grandchildren to be ready to embrace the task of becoming one of the “Rainbow Warriors.”